Breaking Down A Slot Machine
Isleta Resort & Casino is Esparza’s Client Spotlight this month. Our partnership with Isleta Resort & Casino began in March 2013.
Apr 24, 2015 McKee's daughter had invited her to sit down next to her to play the 'Miss Kitty' slot machine. At one point after playing 25 cents, the machine's video screen indicated her win was 185 credits. Sep 18, 2018 Most people look at the vast array of casino slot machines and assume they are all alike. They see a handle, a coin slot, flashing lights and figure one is as good as another. However, in making this assumption, they fail to see a lot of valuable information to help determine if they should play a particular slot machine.
Breaking Down A Slot Machine Jackpots
We were tasked with re-branding their remarkable resort and casino property from the previous Hard Rock brand back to the original Isleta brand. Our campaign included a new logo, outdoor, television, radio and print.
Isleta recently introduced their new Power Play slot machines that provide bonus games for players to have multiple ways to win.
With that in mind, we created Rusty; a funny “retired” older slot machine character. We are proud to show off Real Life Rusty on the casino floor as well as on television and radio.
Visit our YouTube page, EsparzaTube, to see our Rusty commercials.
Breaking Down A Slot Machine Free Play
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