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The Executive office is located in the Tribal government offices and consists of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chair, the Executive Assistant, and the Administrative Assistant.
The Chairperson has the following duties delegated by the people through the Constitution of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians: The Chairperson calls an annual meeting of the Tribal Membership each Spring; oversees all Tribal Executive departments, boards, commissions and committees created by Tribal Council; receives, prepares, and submits nominations to the Tribal Council for consideration for the appointed positions set out in the Constitution or by future Tribal statute; executes and administers the laws and resolutions of the LTBB of Odawa Indians; makes recommendations to the Tribal Council on matters of interest or benefit to the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians; submits monthly written reports of his/her oversight responsibilities of the Tribal operations to the Tribal Council; submits a proposed budget for the next fiscal year to the Tribal Council; and represents LTBB in an ambassadorial capacity.
The Vice-Chairperson performs the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence, and assumes the duties and powers of the Chairperson if the position of the Chairperson becomes vacant, assumes responsibility for those administrative functions delegated to him/her by the Chairperson, and performs other duties as delegated by the Chairperson.
The Executive Assistant is responsible for the coordination of the daily functioning of the Tribal Chairman’s Office. Appointments to meet with the Chair or Vice-Chair are made by contacting the Executive Office at 231-242-1418 or 1401.
The Administrative Assistant assists the Executive Assistant, the Chair and Vice-Chair in the daily functioning of the Tribal Chairperson’s Office.
Being Odawa is all about freedom. The Freedom to be a part of a people who, with integrity and pride, still have and speak our own language. The freedom to share in common with all other Odawak the customs, culture, and spirituality of our ancestors. The freedom we have today we will bring to the future through unity, education, justice, communication, and planning. We will reach out to the next seven generations by holding to cultural values of Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility and Truth. We will utilize our Tribal assets to provide the necessary tools to become successful, hard-working community members who proudly represent our culture. With these values we will move the Tribe forward.
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Anishinaabemowin Interpretation of LTBB Mission Statement:
Debendiziwin aawan maanda Odawa aawiing. Geyaabi gdaa’aanaa miinwaa gdanwewmi Anishinaabemowin, maanda egishkaago’iing debendiziwin ebidgwasiing mnaadendiziwin miinwaa wiimnaadendiziyiing. Gdabendaanaa debendiziwin kina gwaya Odawak naasaap eyaamjik, maanda naakinigewinan, maadiziwin miinwaa mnidoowaadiziwin gaanaaniigaaniijik debendamowaad. Maanda debendiziwin eyaamiing nangwa, kanimaajiidonaa niigaan ezhibezhigoyiing, kinoomaadwin, dbaakinigewin, giigidowin miinwaa naakinigewin. Kazhiibiignaketaanaa maanda niizhwaachiing bimaadiziwin waabii’aamigak mjignamiing ninda mnomaadiziwinan echipiitendaakin: nbwaakaawin, zaagidwin, mnaadendamowin, aakde’ewin, gwekwaadiziwin, dbaadendiziwin miinwaa debwewin. Kanakaazinaa ninda gdabendaaswinaanin, jimiigwe’iing nakaazwinan jimnomewzi’iing, enitaanokiijik maampii Anishinaabek enaapshkaamwaad maanda gbimaadziwinaa. Ninda eyaamiing echipiitendaakin, miigo kina gwaya maampii enjibaad jiniigaanibizad.